Not to worry fair fans and students, we're hard at work this summer on great many things, shows and faires! We just have a bit of catching up to do..
Blog posts

We didn't get our exact schedule pinned down in time to ensure it was printed with the flyer for Maker Faire Kansas City, so here's the breakdown for Saturday and Sunday:

This year, the Kauffman Foundation has graciously offered to sponsor Sylvia and I to be a big part of their Kansas City Maker Faire. We incredibly honored to be brought halfway across the country just to see and be seen by our fellow makers.

(Yes, it's heavy. And yes, this will be in an episode soon!)

May 21st brought us to the 10th annual Maker Faire (The 6th in San Mateo), with Sylvia and I running two demos at the Make: Live stage.

At Bay Area Maker Faire (BAMF) 2011 (and now at Maker Faire KC) one of our demos is how to build your very own laser tripwire to help guard your room!

Here's to the first post launching our brand new web site, and now welcoming us to Maker Faire Bay Area 2011. This is our 5th year going to the faire, but our very first presenting.

One last mini episode this winter, all about Ladyada's own MiniPOV3 hand-held persistence of vision display kit you make and program yourself! This was a really fun episode to make.