
Super Simple RIFF musical instrument for Arduino
Welcome to the official project page for Super Awesome Sylvia's RIFF for Arduino. If you haven't, be sure and check out the official blog post and video for this project here!
The learning version of the code for the RIFF can be downloaded directly in it's raw format from github here:
Get the code!
(paste this directly into the Arduino IDE)
Otherwise, the top level repos for the project in both a Learning version, and a Super Awesome version can be found here:
The Randomly Influenced Finger Flute, or R.I.F.F. is a super simple arpeggio musical instrument, played by touching the exposed solder contacts for analog pin 0 and 5v/ground on the Arduino. It only requires an Arduino and a speaker, so there's no reason not to give it a try! And if you're feeling adventurous, fork the code on github and add your own features!
Be sure and check out a far cooler musical project,'s Soft-synth: Auduino.
This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL version 2.0 or later.

Super Simple Adjustable Strobe for Arduino
Welcome to the official project page for Super Awesome Sylvia's Adjustable Strobe for Arduino. If you haven't, be sure and check out the official blog post and video for this project here!
The learning version of the code for the Super Simple Adjustable Strobe can be downloaded directly in it's raw format from github here:
Get the code!
(paste this directly into the Arduino IDE)
Otherwise, the top level repos for the project in both a Learning version, and a Super Awesome version can be found here:
The Super Simple Adjustable Strobe for Arduino will allow you to stop time! Ok, not really, but it will let you see things that move really fast like fans and water droplets. By timing the flashing LED to turn on at the exact time that the moving thing happens to be in the same position it was in the last time the LED was on, it makes the subject look motionless! This project is less than perfect for stopping things in their tracks, but it'll get you started and experimenting in no time. All it takes is a bright LED and a potentiometer! And if you're feeling really adventurous, fork the code on github and add your own features!
Be sure and check out Nate True's Time Fountain for a great example of a cool home use for stroboscopes.
This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL version 2.0 or later.